
Our language courses


Our course portfolio for you

The language school Alpha Aktiv Heidelberg offers you comprehensive programs for learning the German language.

Our Study & Career Programs:

Join our study program to attend Bachelor, Master, or Ph.D. programs in Germany. If you wish to attend the Studienkolleg before the Bachelor, Master, or Ph.D. program, we can help and advise you.

If you have learned a profession and now want to practice in Germany, book our career program to get started!


You want to study in Germany? Prepare yourself for studying at a German university.

Karriere Pathway

You want to work in Germany? Start your professional career in Germany with us.

An overview of our German courses:

Our Foreign Language Course program options are extensive, so there will likely be something suitable for you. Whether you prefer group or individual instruction, online or in a classroom, in the morning, afternoon or the evening, you are sure to find an appropriate choice. Contact us to create a course program precisely for you!


Intensive German Courses

From 20 lessons per week
face-to-face or online course


TestDaf, TELC, DSH & more

20 or 10 lessons per week
Classroom or online course

Contact us

Do you wish to get more information about our programs ?

Kontakt Alpha Aktiv

We would be glad to help you!


FAQs: Frequently asked questions about our offers

Our morning classes start at 9 a.m. and finish at 12.15 p.m, with a 15-minute break in between. Our afternoon classes begin at 12.30 p.m. and end at 3.45 p.m which also includes a 15-minute break in between.

If you will not get the visa, please send us the rejection letter and we will have a look, how we could help you. In case that you definitely won’t get visa, we will keep 25% of the course fees, but a maximum of 300€ + 50€ registration fee. The rest will be paid back.

Please also note that you need to tell us 4 weeks in advance, if you do not need the accommodation (if booked).

Of course! We want you to feel comfortable in class. So whenever you feel like it isn't the right level for you, talk to us and we will make sure to place you in an appropriate class.

The deposit and endcleaning fee will be added to the rent. 

If you have already taken some German before, you can join in the middle of a course that has already begun. If you are an absolute beginner, we recommend starting from the initial level.

If you delay your trip for any reason, you can also join the course online in advance, or we will postpone your starting date.

The teachers make copies of in-class material; however, you need to buy the books for the class. Ask us which books you need, and we will provide you with all the information you prepare so that you can benefit from our classes right from the start.

Yes, but please keep your phone in your backpack during class time!