

Legal Information

Provider Identification § 5 TMG:

Alpha Aktiv Privates Bildungsinstitut
Hans-Böckler-Strasse 2
69115 Heidelberg

Owner/School Director:Beata Drogi

Phone : +49 6221 588 02 69
Fax : +49 6221 588 02 70
E-Mail: info@alpha-heidelberg.de

Account Details:

Sprachschule Alpha Aktiv
Beata Drogi
Volksbank Kurpfalz eG
Hauptstraße 46
69117 Heidelberg

Kto.: 33188820
BLZ: 670 923 00
IBAN: DE07 6709 2300 0033 1888 20

Tax Number: 32078/42340

The language academy Alpha Aktiv is solely responsible for the content and operation of this website in terms of § 55 II RStV:

Beata Drogi
Alpha Aktiv Privates Bildungsinstitut
Hans-Böckler-Strasse 2
69115 Heidelberg

Disclaimer: The language academy Alpha Aktiv accepts no liability for the content of external links. The operators are exclusively responsible for the content of linked pages.The contents of this website have been carefully checked to the best of our knowledge. The Alpha Aktiv academy makes no claim as to the information presented here in terms of its completeness, timeliness, quality and accuracy. The academy cannot be held responsible for damages caused by reliance on the contents of this website or their use.