Alpha Aktiv - Your language school in Heidelberg!
Online & Presence
German courses
for everybody
German courses for the academic pathway
German courses for your professional career

Price calculator
You want to know how much a course at Alpha Aktiv costs? With the help of our price calculator and price tables you can get a non-binding price information about our courses and accommodation.
german courses
Our course program
A1 to C2
Intensive, Intensive +,
Super Intensive
& more
telc, TestDaf/DSH
& more
School & University preparation, Studienkolleg
Medical, Nursing & Specialists
For young people from 12-18 incl. leisure activities

We Are a Variously Recognized Testing Center

In addition to attending language courses, you can also take exams with us. We offer German, foreign language exams and comprehensive preparation courses (telc, TestDaF, WiDaF, TestAS, and much more) for the most essential languages worldwide .
Learn german with alpha aktiv Heidelberg
What makes us special
Various accreditations
Longstanding experience
trial lesson
Quality assurance through regular level tests

To always guarantee a high quality, we work on the basis of various quality standards:
AZAV is the Accreditation and Approval Ordinance for the Promotion of Employment of the German Federal Law. DIN EN ISO 9001 is one of the most important international and cross-industry standards for quality management systems.

Contact us
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We would be glad to help you!